Old School Faxing Security Issues Companies and fax database businesses (especially huge ones) always have their security measures in place. Their computer network is laden with different layers of firewalls and virtual private networks. Each fax database individual device is secured with passwords and networking restrictions, all designed to protect data and increase security. However, fax machines do not have any of these which make fax database machines a potential security threat to the company using it. Fax machines do not have firewalls and messages are left in the machine for everyone to read. Anyone can readily pick them up and read them.
There are also instances when your fax message does fax database not reach its intended recipient or if it does, it has missing pages or it gets cut off in the middle of the transmission due to human error (dialing the wrong fax number) or technical fax database difficulties from poor phone lines, unsupported equipment, and more. Secure Faxing The first step in securing your fax system is to establish policies that would clearly outline the fax database proper use of your equipment. These policies should form part of the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) that will govern the use of the equipment for more secure transactions.
For instance, your policy should always require that any fax database messages that will be sent from your machine should always contain a standardized cover letter which contains the name of the sender, the title of the document, the fax database company name of both the sender and receiver and the total number of pages of the document that will be sent. You can also request your recipient to confirm if they were able to fax database successfully receive your fax message including all the pages in the document. You can also opt to include disclaimers in your cover letter stating that the content of the message.