The metaverse will completely redefine the Phone Number List way we interact, work and play. And although it will take a long time to build its foundations and Phone Number List make it "mainstream", 2022 is shaping up to be an absolutely decisive year in the history of the metaverse. Throughout the next twelve months, the brands will make a move in this new batch space and will Phone Number List give indications of what their presence will really be like in the metaverse that is already on the horizon.
Apple, Google and Amazon will steal Meta Phone Number List spotlights in the field of the metaverse Although Meta has been the company around which a Phone Number List good part of the conversations emanating from the metaverse have orbited in recent Phone Number List months, in 2022 Apple and Google will probably step into the center to steal the spotlight from the company led by Mark Zuckerberg , prophesies Tim Parkin in an article for Inc.
Apple has, after all, a virtual reality and Phone Number List augmented reality device in the oven , but the technical challenges involved in this project could delay the launch of this device. For its part, Google, which has always been a pioneer in the field of augmented reality Phone Number List and virtual reality with projects such as Google Cardboard and Google Glass, will almost certainly pull out of its hat a "wearable" focused on the metaverse. In any case, and beyond virtual reality devices, the metaverse will need to be supported by an infrastructure of colossal dimensions to provide protection without Phone Number List collapsing the millions of people who will presumably parade there in the coming times .